Editorial Policy.

These Editorial Guidelines apply to all print and online content. "Publisher" refers to ACQ5

1. Article submissions

Clients submitting an article for publication must provide a synopsis outlining the topic and a short biography of the author for the Publisher’s records.

If a proposal is accepted for publication, the final article must be original, non-promotional and written from a third-person point of view. Specific references to the Client’s firm, its products, expertise or engagements may be removed at the Publisher’s discretion.

Diagrams, charts and graphs that summarise information in the article will not be published and authors should instead integrate the relevant data into the body text wherever possible. The Publisher does not accept responsibility for unsolicited slides, photographs or other materials.

Bullet-points, citations and footnotes do not conform to the Publisher’s house style. Authors should place any essential references into the body text in parentheses. Subheadings should be used sparingly, if at all.

Disclaimers or specific legal communication intended to run alongside the article will not be published.

At the end of the article, authors must provide a brief description of themselves and any co-authors, including title, company name, direct phone number and email, for the Publisher’s records.

A proof containing any amendments made to the original submission will be sent to the Client for perusal prior to print.

The Publisher reserves the right to amend articles to comply with its Editorial Submissions policy.

2. Quotes and comments

Clients responding to interview questions, either in written format or verbally, must ensure that their answers are original and non-promotional. Specific references to the Client’s firm, its products, expertise or engagements may be removed at the Publisher’s discretion.

The Publisher does not offer advertorial opportunities. The Publisher retains complete control of the content of its articles and all content is included at its discretion. The aim is to produce information and objective material that is well received by readers.

A proof of the material will be sent to Clients for perusal prior to print. The Client has the right to make changes to its quotes, provided the amendments are original, non-promotional and approved by the Publisher.

The Publisher reserves the right to amend quotes and comments to comply with its Editorial Submissions policy.

3. Copyright and acceptance

The Publisher reserves full rights of international use of all published materials and all material is protected by copyright. The Publisher retains the right to reprint any or all editorial material for promotional or nonprofit use, with credit given. Articles may be published in print or on the ACQ5 web platform.

Articles submitted to the Publisher cannot be copied, reproduced, transmitted or held in a retrieval system without the written permission of the Publisher.

Submission of an article or quotes/comments to the Publisher denotes acceptance of the aforementioned conditions by the author and the firm he or she represents.

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